Monday, January 28, 2013

God have mercy on me and my corn rowed hair

Tonight I was sitting in one of the girls’ rooms getting my hair planted…in corn rows…which looks so good on my pasty white scalp…and I was threatened (by a 10 year old) that if the braids were gone in the morning I would get my privileges taken away. haha! I wasn’t planning on taking them out anyways because they make me feel very African J
I didn’t have much of a choice to do anything but sit on the floor and be still while my head/hair was yanked back and forth. But I was surrounded by seven sweet girls and they made the yanking a little less hurtful. So we sat and talked like girls at a sleepover and they sang and we laughed and it was so good.
And then I noticed the bugs crawling around.  Bugs here don’t bother me near as much as they do in America, but regardless I’m not a fan when they start crawling towards me. And this was a cockroach… so I stepped on it. I figured I would help them out a little and kill at least one of the bugs crawling around their floor. One of the girls watched me do it and said to me, “Auntie you kill God’s creature, you need to ask for mercy.” I thought that was hilarious…but she was serious!  So I bowed my head and asked for God to have mercy on me for killing his disgusting creature. And she was pleased with me.
Only in Africa…


  1. So thankful for Gods mercy..and corn rows..and those children!!
    Love you!

  2. I do always feel a small twinge of guilt when I kill a bug... for that very reason! Do you have a tender scalp?? The girls in high school who used to braid my hair would laugh at me because they said I had tender scalp! So glad to hear your stories and know you are happy and well. I love you sweet girl.

  3. Sara said "whoa that looks cool!"...I am very proud of you for killing the roach, and asking for mercy! Love you!

  4. You shold be "ELEVATED" (vandy term) for killling the roach!! Thinking of you and love reading your blog.
    Kim Morrissey (your dad's humble servant at work!!:)
