Saturday, April 13, 2013

These last few weeks

It’s been a busy last few weeks!

Sports day was at the end of March. Everyone is SO competitive! I got to announce the awards and prizes and the green team won :) 

 Celebrating Easter at the center was amazing. The love these kids have for Jesus is incredible.

 I spend most of my days with these 7 precious little ones. These toddlers finally got moved out of the baby room and are now living in their very own toddler apartment…they love it! (left to right, back to front: Malikie, Alford, Festus, Gerald, Musa, Geraldine, and Hawa)

 Can they get any cuter??

Our newest addition- Baby Benny :) He’s staying with us until his first surgery on May 14th and hopefully afterwards too!

On Friday nights the older girls come to the guest house and we do a bible study, and stay up late dancing or watching a movie. Tonight we watched one their favorite shows, a Latin Christian soap opera (I didn’t know they existed either). It’s super cheesy as you can imagine but the drama sucks me in…

And this is how I end my days. Watching the beautiful sunset over the beach from my balcony.

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the further, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be ale to separate us front he love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. 
Romans 8:38-39